The Rediscovery of Origen’s Homilies on the Psalms (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. graec. 314)

The Bavarian State Library in Munich announces that Origen’s homilies on the Psalms have been discovered in an 11th century Greek manuscript. Excerpt from the press release:

Spektakulärer Fund: Griechische Originalpredigten des Origenes von Alexandria entdeckt

Bei der Katalogisierung der griechischen Handschriften aus der Büchersammlung Johann Jakob Fuggers wurde kürzlich in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek eine spektakuläre Entdeckung gemacht. Die Philologin Marina Molin Pradel identifizierte bei der Katalogisierung einer Handschrift zahlreiche Texte der bislang nicht im Original bekannten griechischen Predigten zu den Psalmen von Origenes von Alexandria (185 – 253/54 n. Chr.), dem bedeutendsten Theologen der frühen christlichen Kirche vor Augustinus. Dieser Fund ist für die Forschung von nicht hoch genug einzuschätzender Bedeutung. Die Zuordnung zu Origenes wurde vom international anerkannten Origenes-Experten Lorenzo Perrone von der Universität Bologna mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit bestätigt.

More details on the website of the library. Roger Pearse already offered an English translation of the press release. The photographic reproduction of the entire codex is available HERE.

Photo: Title page of Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.graec. 314, which contains Origen’s Homilies on the Psalms (source of the photograph)

UPDATE 1: Dr. Lorenzo Perrone (University of Bologna), who identified Origen’s homilies, will soon present his discovery on this blog. Stay tuned.

UPDATE 2: The homilies are arranged into two books (tomos). The first book (foll. 1-273 according to a modern foliation) contains 2 homilies on Ps. XV, 4 homilies on Ps. XXXI, 2 homilies on Ps. LXVI (although the modern note in Latin which opens the manuscript mentions 3 homilies on this Psalm), 3 homilies on Ps. LXXIII, 1 homily in Ps. LXXIV, 1 homily in Ps. LXXV, 4 homilies on Ps. LXXVI. The volume ends with the first 5 homilies on Ps. LXXVII.

The second book starts on the verso of fol. 273. It contains homilies 6-9 on Ps. LXXVII, 2 homilies on Ps. LXXX and 1 homily on Ps. LXXXI.

UPDATE 3: The blog Paleografia Greca announced yesterday the schedule for the seminar “Paleografia greca oggi” (“Greek Paleography Today”), which will take place at Padua University on June 25. Marina Molin Pradel shall present a paper titled “Novità origeniane dalla Staatsbibliothek di Monaco,” in which she will be talking about her identification of Origen’s homilies on the Psalms.

UPDATE 4: On Evangelical Textual Criticism blog, Dirk Jongkind discusses a quotation from 1 Cor 4:13 in one of the newly discovered homilies of Origen, remarking that the New Testament text is “cited with δυσφημουμενοι instead of the more widespread βλασφημουμενοι.”

UPDATE 5: Alex Poulos writes about The Genre of the Origen Homilies.

About Alin Suciu

I am a researcher at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. I write mostly on Coptic literature, Patristics, and apocryphal texts.
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